
Embracing Generations: The Heartbeat of Wormall Group

In the bustling world of modern business, where change is the only constant, finding a company that holds onto timeless values can be a rarity. However, at Wormall Group, the essence of family runs deep, woven into the fabric of its operations. Roxley’s journey within the company is a testament to this enduring tradition.

Roxley embarked on his career journey in 2013 at Wormall Civil, initially stepping into the shoes of a labourer under the watchful eye of his father. It was no easy path; Roxley vividly recalls his first task of mucking out mud in a pit, a humbling initiation orchestrated by his father to ensure he learned the ropes from the ground up, quite literally.

Despite the challenges, Roxley’s perseverance and dedication didn’t go unnoticed. His journey within the company took a significant turn as he transitioned into the role of a project administrator, overseeing various developments across Western Australia. His positive attitude and unwavering determination eventually led him to the helm of the company’s head office.

Today, Roxley holds a position within Wormall Group as part of the Senior Management Team, entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing a team of more than 30 and spearheading WHSQ, Training and IT initiatives. His role is multifaceted, mirroring the rapid growth and diversification of Wormall Group, which now encompasses Beaufox Industries, West Coast Block Supply, Caves Road Sand Supplies, and Smartstream Technology—venturing even into international territories like the US.

For Roxley, the most fulfilling aspect of his job lies in the tangible decrease in workplace incidents across the group—a testament to Wormall’s unwavering commitment to safety and progress and witnessing the digital transformation of the company.

But Roxley’s story is just one thread in the rich tapestry of family heritage that defines Wormall Group. His family is actively involved in administrative roles within the company, and his children, aged 22,19 and 17 are carving their paths within different property developments affiliated with Wormall Group. With three generations having left their mark within Wormall Civil, the tradition lives on, a beacon of continuity and legacy.

The culture fostered at Wormall Group is truly unique—an oasis of stability and familial warmth amidst the ever-evolving landscape of modern business. If you’re seeking a rewarding career in civil engineering, one that not only nurtures your professional growth but also embraces the values of family and tradition, then Wormall Group beckons you to join their ranks.

Embrace the legacy. Build your future with Wormall Group.

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